
A look behind the scenes of the Superkarpata: Interview with Lorenz Rohde

Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Superkarpata: Interview mit Lorenz Rohde

Offroad trophies are considered the absolute supreme discipline in the offroad sector and are much more than just a competition - they combine a thirst for adventure, technical challenges and the fascination of holding your own in unexplored terrain. Offroad trophies are demanding competitions in which teams use off-road vehicles to overcome difficult routes and obstacles in impassable terrain. It's not just about speed, but also about how skillfully and collaboratively obstacles are mastered as a team.

One of the most outstanding off-road trophies is the Superkarpata Trophy, which stands out from other competitions due to its unique design. Teams of two or three off-road vehicles (maximum weight 3,500 kg) must face a special challenge: instead of a classic road book, the participants receive maps that show a wide corridor in which they must find their own way to the finish. This corridor stretches over several thousand square kilometers, and the landscape is often characterized by dense forests, hilly terrain and mountainous regions. The participants are therefore completely on their own as they navigate through the landscape towards the finish.

On the trail of the Superkarpata: A look behind the scenes with Lorenz Rohde

The Superkarpata Trophy 2023 was not just a competition, but a real adventure in one of the most impressive landscapes in Europe. With more than 80 vehicles from nine nations, 38 teams set out to find the best route through the Romanian Carpathians — without a road book and without support from service trucks. This challenge placed the highest demands on the participants, both mentally and technically. 

One team that faced this challenge particularly successfully was that of Lorenz Rohde, who competed under the name 'teamsaurer2' and secured victory — we had the opportunity to interview him about his experiences and the secrets of this success.

Preparation and teamwork: the keys to success in the Superkarpata

The mental and technical preparation were crucial for Lorenz Rohde and his team. "We at teamsaurer have been driving together on rallies, trophies and off-road trips since 2006." In 2023, Lorenz was not the team boss, but the driver of the second car, and Gregor Schiller, his teammate, took over command. He emphasizes: "It is important for a functioning team to be able to subordinate oneself, because in the SK there is no one who always finds the right way straight away, but discussions about it simply take too much time."

Navigation in the Pinzgau

In the SK, a team consists of 2 or 3 vehicles and their members. Teamwork is essential, as the participants have to find their own way over a week — there is no road book. Unforeseen events and setbacks can put team cohesion to the test, and over the years some teams have given up during the competition.

This is essential: in critical driving moments, where marshals and winches are being used, it is important that only one marshal has the say at any one time.

Mastering technical challenges with the necessary preparation

Super Karpata 2023

Preparing for unexpected technical challenges was crucial for Lorenz Rohde and his team. To be prepared for all eventualities, they keep a variety of improvisational materials on hand, including wires, adhesive tape, various screws, threaded rods, pipes, flat iron and nuts, as well as important wear parts such as ignition and carburetor units. These materials are essential for being able to react quickly when unexpected problems arise. They once encountered a tricky situation when a hay tedder tine got stuck in the tire. "It took three of us over 20 minutes to remove it from the tread," Lorenz recalls.

Another indispensable tool is the "AlphaG" 2-speed cable winch from horntools , which Lorenz describes as his favorite product: "Often the car just lacks a bit of traction when driving uphill, and the 2nd faster gear goes very well with the 1st gear of the Pinzgauer." The winch plays a central role, especially on steep climbs and difficult obstacles. During the Superkarpata 2023, it had to be used two to three times a day to move the vehicle safely forward in challenging situations. "One time we had to secure ourselves sideways against falling over and in order to get through it very sensitively, we only moved the car forward with the winch. The Superkarpata doesn't work at all without a winch," adds Lorenz. The team also carried a horntools compressor with them.

Lorenz says that his teammate Richard, the driver of the first car and a full-time surgeon, is a particular strength of the team. His medical expertise is invaluable, as the SK's areas are often hours away from a hospital.

Lorenz Top 5 Must-haves when participating in a Trophy

1️⃣ Navigation computer with Quo Vadis software and lots of offline maps and satellite images

2️⃣ A long recovery strap to secure cars from the side or from behind by wrapping the strap around a tree for braking

3️⃣ Stable attachment points on the side edges of the car's roof to secure it against tipping over

4️⃣ Good headlamps if night work in the camp is necessary

5️⃣ chainsaw(s)

The road to victory and the dream of future adventures

For Lorenz Rohde and his team, victory at the Superkarpata was the result of years of experience and cooperation. "We were a very well-coordinated team, and thanks to our team leader in particular, we had skill and luck when navigating," explains Lorenz. All team members have extensive off-road and outdoor experience, which proved to be a decisive advantage.

A personal highlight for Lorenz was not only the victory, but also the opportunity to spend a whole week in nature and experience the hospitality of the Romanians. "Another highlight was that we managed to have time to make a campfire every evening — that says things are going well," he remembers.

Despite the success, Lorenz is not only focused on the competition. "The Superkarpata is an ideal event for keeping the Pinzgauer in a species-appropriate manner," he says, having fulfilled a childhood dream by owning his own Pinzgauer. His future plans include off-road adventures in Eastern Europe, but bigger goals such as a trip through South America and into the heights of the Andes are also on his wish list. Taking part in the Dakar would also be an option, but the modern orientation of the race does not appeal to him: "The Dakar is now in Arabia, and almost every camp can be reached with vehicles with a relatively simple drive (4x2, i.e. with only two driven wheels) — I don't like that."

Tips for off-road beginners: Just get going

Lorenz Rohde has clear advice for anyone who is new to off-road driving: "Off-roading has a number of facets. One way I would start is by travelling to other countries." He recommends investing in a good base vehicle that requires fewer repairs and trying it out straight away, without spending a long time tinkering with a perfect expedition vehicle. "You can also start by travelling with a tour operator to Romania or Greece, for example," he suggests. It is also important to drive the vehicle regularly in everyday life a few months before a trip in order to identify potential weak points early on.


👉 Would you like to find out more about Lorenz Rohde and the involvement of 'teamsaurer2' in the Superkarpata? Then visit their website, read the detailed report about their participation and watch the YouTube video they filmed.


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